Metadata Analyzer is a metadata detection tool for Windows. This application works with Microsoft Office documents, so you need to have the Office suite installed before installing it. This program uses files from the Office installation to look into your documents.
Metadata Analyzer will look for information that is embedded in your files whether you are aware of it or not. When you first install Office, it will ask you for a name, a company name and initials. It turns out that the Microsoft Office applications embed that information in every file you save. Of course, you could configure it not to sign files for you.
There are two ways of analyzing files. You can either select a file or tell the application to scan a complete folder. After analyzing a file, this program will show you all the information that can be gathered from the file and you can save a copy. However, you can't do anything about it. If you want to replace or erase that information, the developer links to another application that apparently can do that. So, in short, Metadata Analyzer does a good job of finding metadata in your files, but won't let you do anything about it.
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